Emmanuelle Fallourd

Coach | Facilitator

With energy and authenticity, and thanks to her passion for wellbeing and transformation, Emma helps her clients transmuting their challenges into growth, alignment and fulfilment. 


About 20 countries in 20 years, where I studied, worked and travelled, taught me to embrace life's changes and to develop an emotional and intercultural intelligence. Combining scientific studies, 15 years in corporate and education roles, with my long-life passion for personal development, energy and wellbeing, I offer an open-minded, integrated and holistic approach. 

I hold a Graduate Diploma from EDHEC Business School (French top 5), an ICF Coaching Certification and the Leadership and Culture Certifications from The Barrett Values Centre. I am also certified from the Coach Academy (Paris) in Intercultural and Career Management coaching and have been enjoying 15 years of energy study and practice through the Japanese physio-philosophy, Jin Shin Jyutsu. 

My Why

Being a mediator is part of my purpose in life:  mediator of knowledge being a teacher and a facilitator, mediator of energy through my practice, mediator of love being a mother… Coaching allows me to be a mediator of awareness and compassion, transformation and actualisation. 

Connecting with others, being of service, gives me a great sense of fulfilment.


How I work

I like having fun: joy provides such a powerful level of energy. 

With individual, I provide a caring and deep listening space while observing the flows in the coaching conversation. When disharmony appears, I guide my clients to connect to the root cause in order to implement sustainable solutions. In groups, I enable positive dynamics and love creating synergies. 

What I love

Quality time with family and friends, walking in nature, yoga and touch rugby (preferred position on field: Link (#mediatoragain), learning about spirituality and observing the common denominators between cultures, philosophies and religions.


Ben Pronk


Dr James Donald