Getting to Yes

Written by Jonah Cacioppe

Even when organisations have a clear innovation strategy, executive level support, and appropriately allocated resources, we can still face internal obstacles to achieving outcomes from existing corporate mechanisms. Policy and procedures from various departments all too often create roadblocks that stifle innovation and perpetuate a culture of ‘no”. It can seem that every area of the business – HR, legal, finance, marketing etc. – has an excuse as to why something can’t be done, and importantly, holds the power to say no.

It is helpful to develop new innovation policy and processes in collaboration with the relevant departments, as needed – rather than trying to fit innovative practices into existing or legacy management frameworks. Thought leader and academic Steve Blank developed the “Get to Yes” action request form to facilitate process tweaks that enable innovation and turn intent into action.

You can use this form internally within your organisation to push for a quick outcome of either:

• approve and adopt

• suggest modifications that the team agree with

• deny the request.  

It is a simple tool that can help get you to 'yes' - the green light to implement your innovative idea into action.


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