Recreating Organisations

Aligning organisations to emerging human and organisational stages using the Integral Framework by Ron Cacioppe, Ph.D. and Michael Fox, Integral

This article presents key insights and examples from the ground-breaking book by Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations and adds further aspects from Integral Theory to complement his focus on levels of development. It uses these ideas to present a way of recreating organisations so that they operate in a manner that fits with the needs of our times. Integral Theory describes how the functioning and structure of organisations evolves over time to match the level of development of human consciousness.

As they evolve organisations go through stages that are radically different, becoming more productive, collaborative and reaching higher levels of functioning. Each stage “transcends and includes” the ones that came before. Therefore, a later stage does not lose the behaviours that came from earlier stages but earlier stages cannot access the insights of later stages. We are currently moving into a stage which will have radically different characteristics than many organisations currently demonstrate.

According to Laloux and other authors, a whole new shift in consciousness is currently underway that will result in a radically more purposeful and spiritual way to run our businesses, non-profits, schools and hospitals.

An Integral framework provides a way organisations can grow and adapt to work in complex environments. "Reinventing Organizations" describes in practical detail how organisations, large and small, can operate in a new paradigm. Leaders, founders, coaches, and consultants will find this framework a positive handbook full of insights, examples and inspiring stories. 


Integral Theory and leadership development


The Pursuit of Less