STM… and our new website

When STM (Sunday Times Magazine) were featuring a number of business who had rapidly changed their business model in response to COVID-19, we jumped at the chance to get the message out about the digitisation of our leadership development services. (Read it below).

For those of you who’ve known us for a while, you’ll have noticed that alongside our face to face services, we’ve been building a digital coaching offering to offer the services of our excellent coaches to a broader range of clients – beyond our base in Western Australia and to more segments of the organisations we work with here. When COVID-19 came along, we could have retreated into protecting our ‘traditional’ business and going into a period of somewhat hibernation. Instead, our team leapt to the challenge and within two weeks we were delivering new, compelling digital offerings. It was amazing to be a part of it.

Not content with that mad scramble – the STM story also precipitated another sprint. For a while (maybe 18 months…) we have had on our plan an overhaul of our website. Never quite became a priority… however, horrified by the thought that the story would result in an increase in traffic to our existing website, in one week a small team of us managed to stand up a new, succinct, uncluttered website. We hope you like it!


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