Introducing Discovery Sessions

As most of you know, we've been building our digital coaching platform over the last year. While doing this we've ensured an overall better delivery of our coaching programs and a much more robust process for participants. For example, participants now have an average of 30 days (instead of 40 days) between coaching sessions (better pace and stronger accountability) and we send post-session and post-program evaluations for 90-100% of our programs.

This is great because it improves the nuts and bolts of the experience. In our latest update, we have changed the fundamental structure of our programs for great impact on the outcome of our programs. While we previously have launched straight into a 360 survey (if this is part of the program) we will from now on always start with a Discovery Session with a 360 survey to follow.

What's a Discovery Session?

This session is the participant's very first coaching session where they and their coach get to know each other but most importantly get to discuss the participant's situation, goals and vision. It's a session aimed to allow the participant's voice to be heard before 'reacting' to 360 feedback and organisational goals and visions.

Why is this update important?

360 survey feedback can at times be confronting – improvement areas we aren't aware of might surface and take us by surprise. In the worst circumstances, feedback is not fully taken on board because improvement areas are seen as weaknesses and "ought" to-do-lists, which in turn creates a wider gap between individuals and the organisation.

However, research has shown that 360 survey feedback provided after an initial Discovery Session has a greater positive impact on change. This is because a Discovery Session allows for trust to be established before the survey is taken, as well as for worries and anxieties about being "rated" to be reduced. The research also shows that the participant's heightened awareness of their own vision, strengths in form of skills and abilities better supports them in working through the feedback to achieve greater impact.

If you are interested in knowing more about this research you should read Helping People Change – Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth by Boyatzis, Smith and Oosten.

Bonus benefit!

Greater positive impact on desired change on an individual level means a greater positive impact on your organisation.

Learn More

If you want to know more about our new program structures for coaching, have a look here or contact Jill Dare, Head of Coaching & Leadership Development.


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