Able for Leaders

Improve Impact.

Encourage learning, extend impact and embed behaviour change with regular highly personalised AI-generated nudges and on-demand AI-generated coaching for all your people.

Regular, AI-generated nudges from your AI-coach to help you focus and achieve your learning & business goals.


Weekly nudges to keep you focussed on your monthly goals and actions.

AI-recommended actions to help you make progress & achieve your goals.

Prompts to reflect on your learning and discuss with your coach.

Recommendations are based on your strengths & weaknesses.

Ondemand AI-Coaching

Highly personalised, on-demand, AI-generated leadership development coaching informed by your profile and aligned to your learning goals.

We use Open AI’s ChatGPT and customized prompts & training data to deliver a personalized AI-generated leadership coaching experience.

The AI-Coach uses the participants responses, 360º profiles insights, and monthly goals to deliver highly personalized coaching responses.

AI-Coaching is unlimited, at any time, and delivered online with Able or via email with near instant responses from the coach.

The AI-coach understands your strengths & weaknesses, knows your goals and remembers your previous responses providing insightful, intelligent AI-coaching. 


Our AI-coach meets you where you are. Nudges are delivered to your inbox and in Able.
Chat with your AI-coach wherever & whenever is convenient for you.

Email or Online

AI-generated Intervention Model

Able’s AI-model continually learns using 360º feedback, development plans, goals and conversations to generate contextual nudges, actions and coaching.

AI for all your employees

An intelligent assistant, coach, mentor, tutor and cheerleader for all your employees.

Embed Learning

Encourage actions outside structured learning sessions.

Remind participants of their development goals.

Provide contextualised micro-learning for each employee.

Learn something new in the flow of work.

Helps you write text, emails, reports or quotes.

Explain and help you learn complex leadership ideas and concepts.

Ondemand Coaching

On-demand help and advice for employees when they need it.

Role playing challenges or unique situations.

Discuss the results of a 180º or 360º feedback process.

Answer complex questions or explore complex challenges.

Brainstorms ideas and strategies with you.

Summarise personality profiles or 360º feedback profiles.

Personal Cheerleader

A helpful cheerleader that reminds you of your strengths.

Spontaneous encouragement based on your real traits.

Delights and surprises you with novel ideas and activities.

Always there for you even when everyone else is asleep.

Gives simple advice on mindfulness and wellbeing.

Improve your all your employees with intelligent, personalised AI-generated nudges and ondemand AI-coaching.

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