RTO Code 52143

RTO Code 52143

Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management

Nationally recognised qualification in leadership and management (BSB60420)

Program Outline

Who Should Attend

Anyone wishing to manage their own performance and take responsibility for their professional development. The breadth and depth of the skills developed during the program will enable you to apply leadership and management competencies across a range of different roles and industry sectors.

  • Managing Director

  • Manager

  • Department Manager

  • Chief Executive Officer

  • Quarry Business Manager

  • Area Manager

  • Business Analyst

  • Business Development Director

  • Senior Executive

  • Executive Director


  • Provides line managers and professionals with a formal innovative course of study in best leadership practice.

  • Exposes participants to course materials that are contemporary, relevant to their workplace challenges, and draw on practical, real world cases, as well as applicable theory.

  • Enables participants to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies in leadership and management to assist in their management of people, and promotion to more demanding roles in rapidly changing workplaces.

Units of Competency


  • BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

  • BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change

  • BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation

  • BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans

  • BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

  • BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies

  • BSBINS601 Manage knowledge and information

  • BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence

    BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

  • BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

Entry Requirements

Entry to this qualification is limited to those who have completed a Diploma or Advanced Diploma from the BSB Training Package (current or superseded equivalent versions).
OR Have two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in an operational or leadership role in an enterprise.

Assessment Requirements

Participants are required to complete all modules and to complete the appropriate assessment requirements. Assignments and workplace evidence are submitted at the end of the program for assessment. If you are deemed competent in all units, you will be issued with the qualification. If you are not assessed as competent in a unit you will need to complete gap training or submit further evidence.

Program Duration

Typically, the Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management at Integral can be completed within one year. The program is made up of six (6) face-to-face full-day training sessions (48 hours in total). We generally spread these sessions over three (3) to six (6) months, with a further three (3) months to complete assignments and project work, before assessment materials are due. Preparation of assessment requirements is estimated at thirty (42) hours.

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